Welcome to the next installment of our Meet the Teacher series. Today we will be talking with Kate Clarke. Kate joined us in 2003 as a lead teacher. She holds Child Development Associate (CDA) credentials and has over 20 years of teaching experience. Her desire is to instill a love of learning in children and tangibly demonstrate God’s love for them.
We asked Kate to answer some questions for us and here is what she had to say:
Q. What is your teaching philosophy?
My teaching philosophy is that all children are a unique gift from God. It is important to love and nurture the children where they are intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and physically; yet help create a desire within them to observe, explore, and experience learning further. We are all on a great adventure! A warm, safe, and engaging environment allows the children to express themselves and care about others.
Q. What do you love most about your work in early childhood education?
What I love most about my work in early childhood education is the children. The early years of a child’s development are where the foundation is built for future learning and understanding of the world in which we live. To be used as an instrument to encourage, love, and show how valued they are as individuals, and help enhance what they have already been taught about respect and compassion for others is such a blessing. To witness areas of challenge for children become areas of strength or great improvement – there are no words to describe it. It shows clearly, though, in their eyes and in their spirit.
Q. What are your goals for your class?
The goals for my class are for the children to enjoy the journey day by day. The realization that some tasks will be easier than others, yet the need to try and do their best is important. Everything we do will prepare the children for the next step in their education: Kindergarten.
Q. What is your favorite activity to do with the children in your class?
My favorite activity to do with the children in class is singing together. So many lessons can be taught through music, body movement, and finger plays. I also love the conversations children want to have throughout the day. They share so freely and innocently. These moments offer an opportunity to share what is on their mind.
Q. In what ways do you use your class to help children develop concepts of Christian living?
My class helps children develop concepts of Christian living through daily prayer to a God who loves us and wants to hear from us, songs of worship and praise, teaching the importance of the Bible (God’s love letter to us), and being kind and respectful to one another. When a child misses class due to illness or personal reasons, we pray for God to watch over them. Words and actions help the children get a peek at how the world is not just about us. The Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes and our visits to Fellowship Village throughout the school year help the children be a part of making a difference and touching others with love and kindness.
Q. How do you help children develop an interest in words and reading?
I help children develop an interest in words and reading by engaging in both. Every day words are used to express, explain, and describe our thoughts and feelings. Reading stories and asking questions before, during, and after helps enhance an interest in these areas. The children look at the books in the classroom, work in their journals, visit our library, participate weekly in show and tell, and simply look around our classroom where pictures and words are present daily.
Q. How do you make beginning math concepts fun for children in your class?
I help make beginning math concepts fun for the children through the use of songs and finger plays, utilizing items available for sorting, graphing, measuring, building, counting and subtracting. We have a nice range of games and activities inside and outside that help teach math concepts.
Thank You Kate!